Belief, psychological state in which an individual holds a prorposition or premise to be true.Believing, I think, it's not easy,especially when you dont really see or experience it by yourself. We human tends to hold in something, it's comforting to know you can lay on something, larger than yourself even that you cant even see it, something beyond yourself. And everything's going to be alright..
Bangkok, thailand |
Fushimi Inari, Kyoto |
Taj Mahal, India |
Church at Zaragoza |
Somewhere in the streets of Mumbai, India |
Left : Bangkok, Right : One of the tower of Bassilique du Sacre-Coeur-Paris
Haji Ali Mosque, Mumbai |
Singing Nasyid in Indian, Haji Ali , mumbai |
left : Shrine in Meguro, right : Somewhere in Saitama |
As for me, what makes me more believe on something I already believe before, is Hajj-most spiritually magnificent journey i've ever had.It's where millions of millions of muslims ,from more than 70 countries, different cultures, nations, social and economical status, all dressed the same the two white pieces of unsown cloth, performing same rites, no rich nor poor, gather for one purpose,for answering His call,,